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TRAINING > Education Training

Introduction to Learning Styles

This course is now closed to the public. It is still available on request to individual schools. Please contact [email protected] if you'd like to make a booking.

A two-day Certification Programme for educators exploring style differences in the classroom and giving practical advice in matching teaching styles to students' true learning needs. Through the use of visuals, colour, music, relaxation, games, videos and hands-on exercises in a stress-free, high-energy environment our participants learn quickly and absorb more information in less time - and have FUN too!

A two-day Certification Programme for educators exploring style differences in the classroom and giving practical advice in matching teaching styles to students' true learning needs. Through the use of visuals, colour, music, relaxation, games, videos and hands-on exercises in a stress-free, high-energy environment our participants learn quickly and absorb more information in less time - and have FUN too!

Knowledge of Learning Styles and the Diversity Concept enables teachers to make their daily classroom work more comfortable, more satisfying and more successful for themselves and their students.

(equivalent of Day 1 & 2 of our DIPLOMA IN HOLISTIC EDUCATION)

DAY 1:

Diversity in the Classroom based on Learning Styles enables participants to:

DAY 2:

Teaching Styles - Learning Tools - Classroom Management enables participants to: