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PRODUCTS > Online Assessment Instruments > Learning Styles

About LSA Adult

We recommend this product to be used for the following students:

  • Students 16 years and older enrolled at a tertiary education institution such as a university or a polytechnic.

For adults studying or furthering their education at a different type on instuturion (on-the-job courses, learning a trade, etc.), we recommend the Working Style Analysis (WSA) assessment which contains a section on learning in a job situation.

What The Student Gets

The student report contains the following:

  • The 4 aspects of the learning environment that the student can change to improve academic success.
  • The 3 unique physical requirements needed for the mind to function optimally.
  • The 6 attitudes that can help or hinder learning.
  • The best composition of the study group.
  • The best way for the student to receive instructions and information.

Why Learning Styles are Important

In traditional schools, teachers make use of the blackboard (or the whiteboard). They talk and the children are supposed to sit up straight and listen. Which is a perfectly valid method of teaching and it works for all those who absorb information through their eyes and ears, and who concentrate best when sitting up straight.

But what about those who absorb information through their hands and body actions, and who concentrate best in an informal setting? Well, such students become bored and frustrated. Although academically intelligent, they don’t perform well in academic subjects. Left without help, they get used to failure. Their confidence plummets and they start believing that they are “not good” at school work, or “not clever”. They may start misbehaving at school, refuse to do homework or devise ways of not going to school.

Learning styles identify the best way for each individual to learn. They give the student the confidence as well as the tools to become an academic success. Everybody can learn if they have the right mindset and follow a few simple learning style guidelines.

Learning is not a chore. Learning is fun. The human brain wants to learn - all you have to do is... let it.
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